Cookie management

On our website , as on many e-commerce sites, we use cookies: small files deposited on your computer, tablet or phone when you visit our site or view advertisements.

We use these files to ensure the proper functioning of the site, to enrich your shopping experience, to analyze and optimize the performance of the website and to offer you targeted advertising according to your interests.

You can change your preferences at any time by clicking on Mes cookies.

Please note that if you refuse all cookies without exception, the contents of your shopping cart will be deleted as soon as you leave the site.


How we use cookies:

We use cookies, including third-party cookies, in particular to:

- Ensure the proper functioning of our site and improve your shopping experience,

- Analyze our traffic and optimize the performance of our website,

- Offer personalized content adapted to your interests,

- Provide targeted advertising on our website and outside, including social networks and advertising based on your location,

- Provide a connection to our website through social networks or other third-party websites.

We also share information about your use of our website with our social media, advertising and analytics partners, who may combine this with other information you have provided to them or that they have collected from your use of their services.

Cookies are stored, depending on your preferences, for up to 6 months.


Managing cookies from your browser

Here's how to set cookie management directly from your browser:

Internet Explorer:

Go to Tools, the icon in the upper right just below the browser's close, then click on "Internet Options".

Select the "General" tab and then click on "Delete" in "Browsing History". On this window, simply check "Internet and temporary website files", "Cookies and website data" and "History", then click "Delete".

You can also check the box "Delete browsing history when exiting the browser". This way, you won't have to go through the previous menu.


Google Chrome:

Go to Tools, the icon in the upper right just below the browser's close and click on "Settings".

Click on "Show advanced settings" at the bottom of the page and then look at the "Privacy" paragraph.

Select "Content settings", a window will appear. Check the "Block cookies and third-party data" box and then click "OK" to close the window.

You can also instruct your browser to purge confidential data by selecting "Keep local data only until I leave my browser session" on the same window. A browser restart is required to take these changes into account.


Mozilla Firefox:

Go to Tools, the icon in the upper right just below the browser close and click on "Options".

Select the "Privacy" tab, then in the "History" area, keep "Accept cookies" checked but 2 drop down menus under this option are available allowing you to refuse third-party cookies by selecting "never".

The second drop-down menu allows you to ask Firefox to delete the data by quitting, just like the two previous browsers. To do this, select "close Firefox" and click OK. A restart of the browser is necessary.


For other browsers, the procedure is usually explained in their specific help menu.


Want more information about cookies?


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